Adopt-an-Audubon Bird

The New York Historical has an exciting Adopt-an-Audubon Bird program. All 474 original watercolors for The Birds of America by the legendary artist-naturalist John James Audubon are candidates for adoption. Proceeds fund the preservation and rotating display of the spectacular watercolors in The New York Historical’s Audubon’s Birds of America focus gallery. This intimate setting offers visitors the unique opportunity to view Audubon’s spectacular watercolor models for the 435 plates of The Birds of America (1827–38) with their corresponding plates engraved by Robert Havell Jr., together with other Auduboniana. Join the flock! Support the world’s largest repository of Auduboniana by sponsoring your favorite bird.

With this permanent gallery, The New York Historical will share these national treasures with the public as well as raise awareness about endangered avian species and the need to conserve their fragile habitats.

Opportunities to support Adopt-an-Audubon-Bird range from $1,000 to $25,000.

Benefits include:

  • Credit for 50 years on the watercolor’s label whenever it is exhibited
  • Credit for 50 years in the watercolor’s collection record, available through the Museum website
  • Invitation to a private introduction to Audubon’s Birds of America gallery
  • For adoptions of $10,000 and above, a copy of the award-winning book Audubon’s Aviary: The Original Watercolors for “The Birds of America”
  • For adoptions of $25,000, credit on a dedicatory plaque at the entrance of the Audubon’s Birds of America gallery

Other Funding Opportunity:

  • Endow the position of the (Donor’s name) Curator of Drawings and Audubon Watercolors